Kenley's work focuses on the blurred boundaries between tangible reality and the ethereal realms of the subconscious, dreams, childhood memories, and collective unconscious. Her art challenges the idea that alternate states are more authentic than our everyday experience.
Her pieces place the viewers in a position to see through the eyes of the hero in a monomyth, mirroring the experiences of youth navigating through existentialism, coming of age, and teetering between escapism and reality. These themes tap into something fundamental within us, sparking questions about our relationship with time, the digital realm, spirituality, and mortality.
Kenley is captivated by mythical creatures such as dragons, ghosts, and mermaids and the roles these motifs play historically. These fantastical beings, recurring across cultures and centuries, create a universal, collective unconscious that unites humanity.
Kenley sees her artwork as a way to move between worlds, to bridge the immaterial and the concrete, digital and physical, and to bring the things that are alive in her heart and imagination into the material realm.