Kenley Turner Kenley Turner


Collecting experiences and being human, not an artist

Am I an artist because I am not sharing my work this month? Or haven’t been focused on making work? This self-pressure is felt by almost every artist I know. We constantly need to be creating work otherwise we are not perceived as an artist - something we need to be identified as. This is probably not explicit to just artists, but my peer group consists of mostly artists, so this is where I have the most insight.

Unless you are a full-time artist and don’t need to have a solid job to pay your bills (these people are of course unicorns) your time for art-making is very limited, and sacrifice is always implemented to choose art over exercise, art over socialization with friends and family, art overeating, and so forth. I can’t help but think - if art is not my full-time role for my time or day then how am I considered “an artist”? Am I just doing this as a hobby and I’m just like anyone else? This is crazy and toxic, but I think about this a lot. This is a very 1 track mind form of thinking, art is of course a part of my life and always will be. I am a multi-faceted person and can do lots of different things, and don’t have to shove art-making down my own throat to have this identity.

We can’t do it all. We need time to see art, see nature, see the world, see friends, see family. If you knew that you would die tomorrow, would you spend your last day laboring or would you spend it on your own life?

SO, I’ve been spending this month collecting, seeing, and soaking up the world. Like a sponge, I need food. My art will mean nothing if I am not learning and experiencing. People can’t just be focused on making and selling. Where will our value come from if our work is vapid, uninformed, and empty?

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